Online Office Access

In our continuous effort to improve the quality of the services, we offer the “OMF CLOUD” Service to our clients. OMF ONLINE is a private environment or cloud that, through the Internet, allows the exchange of information between the Advisor and its clients. It is also known as the set of services in the Cloud of OMF ASESORES.

It is the tool that allows integrating in a common work environment, the computer processes of the Professional Office and the Client.

The use of OMF CLOUD is totally safe and reliable, and guarantees the security requirements required by the Law of Protection of Personal Data.

The servers are hosted in a Data Center of the national territory.

The contracting of OMF CLOUD services provides numerous advantages such as cost reduction, improving the efficiency of services, personalized communication, optimization of resources and time, the possibility of integration with other applications of OMF ASESORES, etc.


  • Proximity of the Advisor with its clients (and vice versa) thanks to the agile information exchange system
  • Integrate the computing of the Professional Office with that of its clients
  • Accessibility from anywhere and any device with Internet connection
  • The information remains 100% secure and confidential
  • Services linked to OMF ASESORES applications
  • Numerous advantages for OMF ASESORES, such as sending notices to their clients, receiving inquiries, etc., being the administrator of their clients’ access permits.
  • Numerous advantages for OMF ASESORES customers, such as direct introduction of information, exchange of messages with the Advisor, secure and confidential reception of documentation, etc.


Linked to an application of OMF ASESORES:

  • Exchange of client-adviser information through an application also hired by the client, such as an Accounting or Payroll program, among others
  • The services are optional and can be contracted by both OMF ASESORES and their clients: Online billing, among others.

Generic activity of OMF ASESORES:

  • They are not linked to any software and enhance the proximity to the customer
  • Services:
    • Advisor Portal
    • Remote Printing Modules with different modalities
All the information Tax, Accounting, Labor, Commercial and, in short, all our paperwork and your documents within a single click. The communications with our Advisor are fully registered, and will be recorded when you make your request and when it is fulfilled. Receive communications in your mail about topics of interest to you, any progress in a given file will receive immediate information. In an environment of total security, your information will only be accessible with the keys that we provide, the information is encrypted via an SSL certificate and, of course, complying with the LOPD.
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