Do you think to tackle?

Undoubtedly to begin a managerial project constitutes a big challenge. To start a proper initiative, across the creation of a company, is a personal adventure as stimulant as complex. Nevertheless, it is not an impossible adventure.

Some questions on which you must reflect are:

  • Do I have the profile adapted to tackle?
  • Do I have the necessary minimal financing to begin?
  • Do I have a clear idea of business?
  • Have I found the place that adapts itself to the needs for the activity to be developed?
  • Do I have knowledge or can acquire them on the product or service that I am going to offer?
  • Can I manage a company?
  • Do I know the consequences of the adventure of tackling?
  • Does the activity demand that I want to develop some specific legal requisite?
In OMF ASESORES we put at your disposal a service faced specially to the persons who want to tackle and start a new activity.

How can we help you?

Advice before to the beginning of the activity

We put at your disposal at our specialists, persons of wide experience that they will be able to indicate you and help you to clear the innumerable doubts that you will have in your head. For it, it is so simple as to request a free appointment.

It helps in the financing search for your new activity

The financing turns into the principal need of the entrepreneur and from OMF ASESORES we are provided with agreements of collaboration with different financial institutions to negotiate and to achieve the liquidity that your company needs and with the financial instruments that better adapt themselves to the reality of your activity.

Starting of your new activity, free (*)

We create your company of telematic form within a period of between 24h and 72h (depending on the juridical form). Everything is realized across Internet with our digital certificates, since we are part of the Network Points of Attention to the Entrepreneur (PAE).
Under this emblem of “PAE“ any entrepreneur can come to our offices and receive advice about the constitution of a company.
After the advice that we provide to you if finally you want to initiate a managerial activity like autonomous or to constitute a society, we must complete his information in a Document Electronic Only one (DUE) and later, if it is a question of society, we will coordinate an appointment to you for the signature in the notary’s office. And: I list! It will be the System of Telematic Procedure of the Center of Information and Network of Business undertaking (STT-CIRCE) the one that realizes the following negotiations:
  • Reservation of the Social Denomination (Only SLNE)
  • Appointment reservation with the Notary’s office
  • Request of the provisional NIF
  • Presentation of the Required Declaration of Beginning of Activity before the Tax office
  • Liquidation of the Tax of Hereditary Transmissions and Documented Juridical Acts (ITP/AJD) in the Autonomous region, if it proceeds
  • Inscription in the Mercantile Record, if it proceeds
  • Steps with the General Treasury of the Social security
  • Inclusion of files of information with personal information in the protection Agency of Information
  • Request of the request of reservation of a Mark or Trade name to the Spanish Office of Patents and Marks
  • Reservation of Internet Domain
(*) Option only valid for new clients of the office and whenever he remains linked like client during a minimal term of 6 months.

Management of every day of your new company

As soon as your new company was constituted, you will be able to hire with us the daily management of the fiscal, countable, labor and mercantile obligations.

To what waiting to start?

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