Legal notice

In observance of the law 34/2002, of July 11, of Services of the Information society and of the Electronic commerce we communicate to him the following information:

Holder of this place: OMF ASESORES, SLP

  • Concejal García Feo, 1 Local B
  • Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • 35011 Las Palmas
  • Phone: 928 228 004
  • Movil: 610 531 480
  • Fax. 828 120 125
  • NIF: B35405604

OMF ASESORES it puts this web at the disposal of the Internet users in order to provide so much information about the services offered by her, as to allow to the users to realize consultations or suggestions.

The criteria continued by OMF ASESORES with regard to the free use of the facilitated personal information and voluntarily for the users they are those who are mentioned in his Politics of Privacy

OMF ASESORES it will be able to carry out, in any moment and without need for previous notice, modifications and updates on the information contained in this web site or in his configuration or presentation. Consequently, it guarantees neither the full efficacy of his web page nor the nonexistence of any errors. He promises to modify his web site when the technical, organizational circumstances consider it opportune and in the biggest possible briefness.

In the same way, the holder of this web site does not take responsibility of the direct or indirect damages that could stem from the use of the web page or his contents. He does not also become responsible for the computer damages that could cause to the user visitor the access to the contents of this place. It neither controls it nor guarantees the virus absence not of other elements in the contents that could produce alterations in his computer system (software and hardware) or in the electronic documents and files stored in his computer system.

The user promises to use the web and his contents correctly. The use of the web page remains prohibited with illicit or harmful ends against the company or any third one and those that could cause damage or prevent the normal functioning of the web. If it violates the current legislation, the good faith, uses, customs or the public order the user will be the person in charge.

Any linkage of third to this web site it must be to his principal page, remaining definitely prohibited the “deep links”, the “framing” and any other use of the contents of the web site in favor of third, if it is not authorized.

The function of the ties or linkage that from this page are established to other web sites does not imply that OMF ASESORES promote, endorse, guarantee or recommend this web site. The above mentioned ties are established to inform the user of other information sources related to the matter. Our Consultancy neither exercises any control on the above mentioned web sites, nor is responsible for the content of the same ones.

All the contents that appear in this web site and especially, designs, texts, logos, marks, buttons or any other signs capable of industrial and commercial use are subject to rights of intellectual and industrial property of OMF ASESORES or of third.

In case he wants to formulate some suggestion or comment can contact with us across the stated e-mail.

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